1v1 Duel on TurBoHost

sat pic of Chinollar 0.9
metal map of Chinollar 0.9
height map of Chinollar 0.9
Size 8 x 8
Wind 5 - 25
Tidal 0
Description Porretown Map
Author PerroTron
Gravity 130
Wind 5 - 25
Tidal 0
Description Porretown Map
Author PerroTron
Gravity 130

Date : 04/04/2015 04:04:59 (UTC)

Game: Jauria RTS 0.5.9 (engine 98)

Map: Chinollar 0.9

Length: 0:13:29

Tags: Tag object (1) Tag object (30)

Uploaded by TurBoHost on 04/04/2015 03:17:56 (UTC)

Downloads: 532 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


0 Chaos  None  [1]
1 Europe  None  [0]
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extractorradius: 100

fog: 0

inv: 1

metal: normal

tidal: normal

timeofday: day

weather: clear

wind: normal

disablemapdamage: 0

ghostedbuildings: 1

maxspeed: 3

minspeed: 0.3

fixedallies: 0

limitdgun: 0

maxunits: 500