Team 2v2 NOTA game on small supreme battlefield dry

sat pic of Small Supreme Battlefield Dry
metal map of Small Supreme Battlefield Dry
height map of Small Supreme Battlefield Dry
Size 16.0 x 16.0
Wind 2 - 20
Tidal 18
Description Small Supreme Battlefield Dry: A giant, anrgy, mental duck named REVENGE came and drank all the water. 99.9% of credits go to NOiZE for this fantastic map.
Gravity 100
Wind 2 - 20
Tidal 18
Description Small Supreme Battlefield Dry: A giant, anrgy, mental duck named REVENGE came and drank all the water. 99.9% of credits go to NOiZE for this fantastic map.
Gravity 100

Date : 09/01/2013 21:21:28 (UTC)

Game: NOTA 1.76 (engine 94)

Map: Small Supreme Battlefield Dry

Length: 1:44:36

Tags: Tag object (2) Tag object (18) Tag object (45)

Uploaded on 09/04/2013 02:10:38 (UTC)

Downloads: 21 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: Long 2v2 game. Some mistakes by both teams, but also some good panther raids, bombing runs, and emp traps.


Team 0 0.0  [7]
0 ARM  None  [2]
2 ARM  None  [5]
Team 1 0.0  [11]
1 ARM  None  [6]
3 CORE  None  [5]
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disablemapdamage: 0

ghostedbuildings: 1

limitdgun: 0

maxunits: 500

mission_name: none

mo_noshare: 1

noe_many_ais_mapping: 1

noe_thinking_split: 8

stupid: 0

fixedallies: 0

hilltime: 8

maxspeed: 3

minspeed: 0.3

mo_maxburrows: 40

mo_queentime: 40

noe_mapping: 1

startoptions: normal

teamcom: 1