1v2 Team on techno lands 5v5 narrow b3

sat pic of techno lands 5v5 narrow b3
metal map of techno lands 5v5 narrow b3
height map of techno lands 5v5 narrow b3
Size 8 x 24
Wind 2 - 20
Tidal 0
Description Techno_Lands 5v5 narrow b3
Gravity 95
Wind 2 - 20
Tidal 0
Description Techno_Lands 5v5 narrow b3
Gravity 95

Date : 04/07/2019 11:03:59 (UTC)

Game: Planet Defense 3.90 (engine 100)

Map: techno lands 5v5 narrow b3

Length: 0:45:31

Tags: Tag object (35) Tag object (42) Tag object (45)

Uploaded by [ACE]Synchronous on 04/07/2019 10:42:39 (UTC)

Downloads: 179 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


Sorry. The winner could not be figured out, the match was stopped or not rated because of the presence of a bot.

Team 0
0 ARM  [0]
Team 1
Bot (of loco) ARM  [1]
Bot (of loco) ARM  [1]
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