5v5 Team on Fields_Of_Isis

sat pic of Fields_Of_Isis
metal map of Fields_Of_Isis
height map of Fields_Of_Isis
Size 14.0 x 8.0
Wind 1 - 11
Tidal 0
Description Only mountains divides these vast fields of an arid planet called Isis. Optimal For 2-4 players! Made by SirArtturi! Concept based on a popular Supreme Commander map.
Gravity 125
Wind 1 - 11
Tidal 0
Description Only mountains divides these vast fields of an arid planet called Isis. Optimal For 2-4 players! Made by SirArtturi! Concept based on a popular Supreme Commander map.
Gravity 125

Date : 02/09/2014 21:38:15 (UTC)

Game: Zero-K (engine 91)

Map: Fields_Of_Isis

Length: 0:17:58

Tags: Tag object (5) Tag object (45)

Uploaded by Spadsium on 02/09/2014 21:56:16 (UTC)

Downloads: 1 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


Team 0 93.6  [23]
0 Robots  25  [6]
1 Robots  20  [5]
2 Robots  16  [3]
3 Robots  20  [5]
4 Robots  13  [4]
Team 1 104.4  [20]
5 Robots  25  [5]
6 Robots  20  [4]
7 Robots  25  [5]
8 Robots  25  [3]
9 Robots  16  [3]
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air_ploppable: 1

burrowspawnrate: 45

commandertypes: string to long, sorry

coop: 0

defeatmode: destroy

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enableunlocks: 1

factorycostmult: 1

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lavariseperiod: 120

maxspeed: 2

maxwind: 2.5

miniqueentime: 0.6

minwind: 0

noelo: 0

pathfinder: standard

queentime: 60

shuffle: off

speedchicken: 0

techtimemult: 1

terrarestoreonly: 0

waterlevel: 0

xmas: 0

burrowqueentime: 15

chickenspawnrate: 50

commends: 0

cratermult: 1

disablefeatures: 0

eggs: 0

energymult: 1

fixedallies: 0

gracetime: 2

impulsejump: 0

lavarisecycles: 7

marketandbounty: 0

maxunits: 1500

metalmult: 1

minspeed: 0.5

noceasefire: 0

overdrivesharingscheme: investmentreturn

playerchickens: 0

sharemode: teammates

specialdecloak: 0

startingresourcetype: facplop

terracostmult: 1

typemapsetting: auto

wreckagemult: 1

zkmode: normal