Player notAslave

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Metal Factions1v125
Metal FactionsFFA25
Metal FactionsTeam20
Metal FactionsTeamFFA25
Metal FactionsGlobal20
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Metal FactionsTeam3120 33 %
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are notAslave.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
1v1 Duel on TitanDuel2016-04-23 21:56notAslaveNOTA1v1specspec
1v1 Duel on TitanDuel2016-04-23 22:09notAslaveNOTA1v1specspec
1v1 Duel on TitanDuel2016-04-23 22:26notAslaveNOTA1v1specspec
1v1v1v1 FFA on KochCanyon-v012016-04-25 22:52notAslaveNOTAFFAspecspec
1v1 Duel on Charlie in the Hills v2.12016-04-30 21:10notAslaveNOTA1v1specspec
2v2 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2016-05-30 17:51notAslaveSpring: 1944Teamspecspec
2v2 Team on KochCanyon-v012016-07-04 22:55notAslaveNOTATeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Iceland_v12020-04-19 00:59notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Crubick Plains v1.22020-04-19 01:16notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Crubick Plains v1.22020-04-19 01:34notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamspecspec
3v4 Team on Ibex v12020-04-19 17:24notAslaveSpring: 1944Teamspecspec
1v1 Duel on Crubick Plains v1.22020-05-10 00:28notAslaveMetal Factions1v1specspec
2v2 Team on Crubick Plains v1.22020-05-10 01:25notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamlostRandom
2v2 Team on Archers_Valley_v62020-05-16 16:30notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamspecspec
4v4 Team on Archers_Valley_v62020-05-16 17:01notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamwonClaw
Team on Parched_mesa-v042020-05-16 17:28notAslaveMetal FactionsTeamspecspec
Team on rysia2020-08-08 23:17notAslaveSpring: 1944Teamspecspec
2v2 Team on ArcticPlainsV2.12020-08-08 23:59notAslaveSpring: 1944TeamwonRandom Team (GM)
2v2 Team on FrostBiteV22020-08-09 00:35notAslaveSpring: 1944Teamspecspec
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries