Player quatromen

The following values are provided by SLDB, a service that autohosts use to calculate team balancing. The values are rounded to protect the players privacy.

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Loading data from server
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Balanced Annihilation1v111686300 74 %
Balanced AnnihilationTeam3101511581 49 %
Balanced AnnihilationFFA8035432 44 %
Balanced AnnihilationTeamFFA8350 38 %
Spring: 19441v11100100 %
Spring: 1944Team1010 0 %
Tech Annihilation1v13120 33 %


Destroying enemy resource production

1st: 80 times
2nd: 47 times
3rd: 23 times

Destroying enemy units and defences

1st: 181 times
2nd: 129 times
3rd: 48 times

Effective use of resources

1st: 167 times
2nd: 109 times
3rd: 26 times

Doing everything

28 times

Produced the most resources

238 times

Took the most damage

171 times

Slept longest

89 times
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are quatromen.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
1v1 Duel on DeltaSiegeDry2015-06-19 12:13quatromenBalanced Annihilation1v1lostCORE
1v1v1 FFA on DeltaSiegeDry2015-06-19 21:16quatromenBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostCORE
1v1v1 FFA on SpeedMetal2015-06-20 09:11quatromenBalanced AnnihilationFFAwonCORE
2v2 Team on SpeedMetal2015-06-20 09:48quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1v5 Team on SpeedMetal2015-06-20 10:34quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
5v5 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2015-06-21 09:17quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
5v5 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12015-06-21 09:52quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1v1 Duel on DarkSide Remake2015-06-21 10:16quatromenBalanced Annihilation1v1lostCORE
2v2 Team on 1944_Kiev_V42015-06-21 15:43quatromenSpring: 1944Teamspecspec
6 Solo on SandCastles22015-06-21 19:50quatromenBA Chicken Defense1v1lostARM
3v3 Team on Dead Reef Dry2015-06-21 20:24quatromenBA Chicken DefenseTeamlostCORE
1v1 Duel on Mini_SuperSpeedMetal2015-06-22 13:13quatromenBalanced Annihilation1v1specspec
1v1v1 FFA on DeltaSiegeDry2015-06-22 13:42quatromenBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostCORE
1v4 Team on SuperVaubanFortress32x16_10p2015-06-22 15:58quatromenBA Chicken DefenseTeamlostCORE
1v4 Team on SandCastles22015-06-22 16:33quatromenBA Chicken DefenseTeamlostCORE
1v2 Team on SandCastles22015-06-22 21:25quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1v3 Team on MetalHeck-V3.22015-06-22 22:48quatromenBA Chicken DefenseTeamlostCORE
4v4 Team on FolsomDamDeluxeV42015-06-23 11:34quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
4v4 Team on Colorado_v12015-06-23 12:09quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
5v5 Team on FolsomDamDeluxeV42015-06-23 13:09quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1 Solo on SandCastles22015-06-23 13:50quatromenBA Chicken Defense1v1wonCORE
8v8 Team on Charlie in the Hills v2.12015-06-23 17:56quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1 Solo on SandCastles22015-06-24 09:19quatromenBA Chicken Defense1v1lostCORE
3v3 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12015-06-24 11:28quatromenBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1 Solo on SandCastles22015-06-24 11:56quatromenBA Chicken Defense1v1lostCORE
Showing 1 to 25 of 786 entries