Player sonictx03

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
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GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
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Destroying enemy resource production

1st: 4 times
2nd: 5 times
3rd: 1 times

Destroying enemy units and defences

1st: 8 times
2nd: 11 times
3rd: 7 times

Effective use of resources

1st: 10 times
2nd: 3 times
3rd: 2 times

Doing everything

2 times

Produced the most resources

6 times

Took the most damage

7 times

Slept longest

1 times
trophy    Cursed Awards    trophy

# Award Earned in matches
1 trophy Big Purple Heart 2
2 trophy Master Grill-Chef 1
3 trophy Heros do the job 1
4 trophy Hover Admiral 1
5 trophy Turtle Shell 1
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are sonictx03.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
1v1 Duel on Emain Macha v32014-07-28 13:27sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Evad_River_Confluence-v012014-07-28 17:07sonictx03Balanced Annihilation1v1specspec
1v1 Duel on Fetid Marsh - v072016-12-24 00:54sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
Team on Akilon Wastelands - v182016-12-24 01:17sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on HighGround - v032016-12-24 17:11sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Fetid Marsh - v072016-12-24 17:49sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Battle for Planet XIV - v052016-12-24 18:11sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Fetid Marsh - v072016-12-24 21:39sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Akilon Wastelands - v182016-12-24 22:34sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on Battle for Planet XIV - v052016-12-24 22:55sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on Battle for Planet XIV - v052016-12-24 23:08sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Archers Battlefield - v052016-12-25 01:52sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Akilon Wastelands - v182016-12-25 02:16sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on HighGround - v032017-02-04 23:00sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1specspec
3v3 Team on Battle for Planet XIV - v052017-02-12 19:16sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Fetid Marsh - v072017-02-14 00:14sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Volcanic Basin - v042017-02-14 00:30sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on Lonely Oasis v12017-02-14 01:54sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
2v5 Team on Fetid Marsh - v072017-02-14 02:34sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Volcanic Basin - v042017-02-14 23:06sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Fetid Marsh - v072017-02-14 23:24sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Crubick Plains v12017-02-14 23:54sonictx03Evolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on SpeedMetalDuo2017-02-15 00:05sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on SpeedMetalBig2017-02-15 23:46sonictx03Evolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v2 Team on SpeedMetalBig2017-02-16 00:56sonictx03Planet DefenseTeamlostARM
Showing 1 to 25 of 503 entries