Player maek235

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
NOTA1v19270 22 %
NOTATeam16880 50 %
NOTAFFA1010 0 %
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are maek235.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
Duel on notAdotaMap 1.02014-03-19 00:52maek235NOTA1v1specspec
Duel on notAdotaMap 1.02014-03-19 01:39maek235NOTA1v1wonCORE
1v1 Duel on Supreme Lake v22014-03-20 19:36maek235NOTA1v1specspec
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22014-03-20 19:56maek235NOTATeamlostCORE
3v3 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22014-03-21 01:16maek235NOTATeamlostCORE
1v1 Duel on Terra2014-03-21 19:11maek235NOTA1v1lostARM
2v2 Team on Moon Quartet Remake2014-03-21 19:30maek235NOTATeamwonARM
1v1 Duel on Moon Quartet Remake2014-03-21 20:11maek235NOTA1v1wonARM
1v1 Duel on Moon Quartet Remake2014-03-21 20:33maek235NOTA1v1lostARM
1v1 Duel on Moon Quartet Remake2014-03-21 21:55maek235NOTA1v1wonARM
1v1 Duel on Supreme_Lake_V32014-03-22 00:42maek235NOTA1v1wonARM
2v2 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12014-03-22 04:24maek235NOTATeamwonARM
1v2 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12014-03-22 04:56maek235NOTATeamlostARM
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22014-03-23 17:56maek235NOTATeamwonARM
2v2 Team on Titan-v22014-03-23 18:18maek235NOTATeamwonARM
1v1 Duel on Moon Quartet Remake2014-03-23 18:48maek235NOTA1v1lostARM
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22014-03-23 20:33maek235NOTATeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Supreme_Lake_V32014-03-23 21:38maek235NOTATeamwonARM
1v2 Team on TitanDuel2014-03-23 22:18maek235NOTATeamlostARM
1v2 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12014-03-23 22:35maek235NOTATeamlostARM
1v1 Duel on RoughShoresV62014-03-24 00:16maek235NOTA1v1lostARM
1v1 Duel on Tabula_Flooded_v042014-03-24 18:47maek235NOTA1v1lostARM
2v2 Team on Titan-v22014-03-24 20:08maek235NOTATeamlostARM
1v1 Duel on Valles_Marineris_v22014-03-24 21:38maek235NOTA1v1specspec
1v1v1 FFA on 3 Way Red Sea v62014-03-24 22:00maek235NOTAFFAlostARM
Showing 1 to 25 of 61 entries