Player hunterlp

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
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GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
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Rating history

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TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
1v1 Duel on Terra2013-11-06 18:30hunterlpBA Chicken Defense1v1specspec
3v3 Team on Techno Lands2013-11-06 18:41hunterlpTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1v2 Team on techno lands 3v32013-12-07 14:51hunterlpTech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
1v1v1v1 FFA on blue_fields2013-12-08 10:18hunterlpTech AnnihilationFFAspecspec
3v3 Team on Tangerine2015-02-28 20:12hunterlpSpring: 1944TeamwonGER
4v4 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2015-04-23 14:40hunterlpBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
7v7 Team on DeltaSiegeDGun2015-04-23 15:26hunterlpBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1v1 on 1944_Red_Planet2015-04-24 12:16hunterlpSpring: 19441v1lostGER
1v1 Duel on SuperSpeedMetal2015-04-24 12:23hunterlpRobot Defense1v1specspec
1v2 Team on SuperSpeedMetal2015-04-24 12:34hunterlpRobot DefenseTeamwonARM
1v1 Duel on SuperSpeedMetal2015-04-24 15:37hunterlpRobot Defense1v1specspec
1v4 Team on SpeedMetalQuattro2015-04-25 13:07hunterlpRobot DefenseTeamwonARM
1v3 Team on Greener_Fields no wind2015-04-25 17:11hunterlpRobot DefenseTeamspecspec
3v3 Team on water_fields_v12015-06-28 13:36hunterlpTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1v1v2v2 TeamFFA on Lush-Greens-Four2015-06-28 14:45hunterlpTech AnnihilationTeamFFAlostARM
6v6 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2015-07-05 13:27hunterlpBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
2v2 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2016-01-23 18:29hunterlpTech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 entries