Player arturoweasley

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Balanced Annihilation1v120
Balanced AnnihilationFFA20
Balanced AnnihilationTeam20
Balanced AnnihilationTeamFFA20
Balanced AnnihilationGlobal20
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Balanced Annihilation1v11010 0 %
Balanced AnnihilationTeam3014160 47 %
Balanced AnnihilationFFA2020 0 %
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are arturoweasley.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
5v5 Team on IsisDelta_v022012-07-21 12:26arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
6v6 Team on ScorpioBattleground2012-07-21 12:47arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
5v5 Team on Gehenna Rising v22012-07-21 13:22arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry Revolution v2.52012-07-21 14:36arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
4v4 Team on LLTAComplexV22012-07-22 08:08arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
4v4 Team on Moon Quartet Remake2012-07-22 08:36arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
5v5 Team on Tabula-v42012-07-22 09:09arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
6v6 Team on Tabula-v42012-07-22 09:34arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
5v5 Team on SpeedMetalQuattro2012-07-22 10:14arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
5v5 Team on SpeedMetalQuattro2012-07-22 10:40arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
FFA on Ring Atoll Remake AA-version2012-07-24 10:25arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationFFAspecspec
FFA on Ring Atoll Remake AA-version2012-07-24 10:54arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostCORE
4v4 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 11:34arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
3v3 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 12:03arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
4v4 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 12:23arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
4v4 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 12:42arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
4v4 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 13:03arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
3v3 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-07-24 13:27arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
4v4 Team on Altored Divide Remake V32012-07-24 13:49arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
8v8 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12012-07-24 14:46arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
8v8 Team on Koom Valley V22012-07-24 15:16arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
TeamFFA on Throne v12012-07-24 18:21arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamFFAspecspec
5v5 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12012-07-25 13:44arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonCORE
FFA on Ring Atoll Remake AA-version2012-07-26 11:28arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostCORE
4v4 Team on Comet Catcher Redux v22013-07-27 07:47arturoweasleyBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
Showing 1 to 25 of 26 entries