Player thor[NOTA]

The following values are provided by SLDB, a service that autohosts use to calculate team balancing.

GameMatch typeTrueskill
Loading data from server
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
NOTA1v18038420 48 %
NOTATeam10049510 49 %
NOTAFFA6330 50 %
NOTATeamFFA1100100 %
Spring: 19441v15230 40 %
Spring: 1944Team9720 78 %
Rating history


Spring: 1944


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
6v6 NOTA massacre2012-05-27 20:14thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonCORE
3v3 EPIC TABULA BATTLE2013-05-25 21:21thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostARM
Team Epic 2v2 NOTA game on Tabula with top players.2013-05-26 23:50thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostCORE
Team 2v2 NOTA game on small supreme battlefield dry2013-09-01 21:21thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonARM
2v2 Team on Tumult2013-10-12 18:46thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostARM
2v2 Team on Tabula-v22013-10-12 21:38thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostCORE
2v2 Team on Tabula-v22013-10-12 22:11thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonCORE
1v1 Duel on Tabula-v22013-10-12 23:11thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostARM
2v2 Team on Tabula-v22013-10-13 00:09thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostARM
1v1v1 FFA on ExpandedTropics2013-10-13 01:28thor[NOTA]NOTAFFAlostCORE
1v1 Duel on Valles_Marineris_v22013-10-16 18:15thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1wonCORE
3v3 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22013-10-16 18:57thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostCORE
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22013-10-16 19:24thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostARM
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22013-10-16 19:56thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonARM
2v3 2 v 2 Team on Tabula v22013-10-16 20:52thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostCORE
1v1 Duel on Red Comet2013-10-18 19:16thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1wonARM
2v2 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22013-10-18 20:11thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonARM
2v2 Team on Titan-v22013-10-18 20:43thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostARM
2v2 Team on Tabula2013-10-18 21:52thor[NOTA]NOTATeamlostCORE
1v1 Duel on Tabula-v22013-10-19 01:28thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on Tabula-v22013-10-19 01:46thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostCORE
2v2 Team on Supreme Lake v22013-10-19 02:15thor[NOTA]NOTATeamwonCORE
1v1 Duel on Supreme Lake v22013-10-19 02:36thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on Supreme Lake v22013-10-19 03:00thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on Supreme Lake v22013-10-19 03:40thor[NOTA]NOTA1v1lostCORE
Showing 1 to 25 of 351 entries