Player snoobfrog

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Loading data from server
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
No data available in table


Destroying enemy resource production

1st: 1 times
2nd: 0 times
3rd: 0 times

Destroying enemy units and defences

1st: 2 times
2nd: 5 times
3rd: 0 times

Effective use of resources

1st: 1 times
2nd: 0 times
3rd: 0 times

Doing everything

0 times

Produced the most resources

2 times

Took the most damage

5 times

Slept longest

4 times
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are snoobfrog.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-15 18:48snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-16 16:09snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostTALON
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-16 16:53snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostTALON
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-18 13:49snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostTALON
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-18 16:21snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on WidePass Fineto2019-09-19 15:11snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1wonCORE
1v1 Duel on SandOfMinesv22019-09-20 17:44snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1lostCORE
1v1 Duel on 1944_Village_Crossing_v22019-11-30 15:18snoobfrogSpring: 19441v1lostGER
1v2v2 TeamFFA on Coyote_CreekV42019-12-02 19:49snoobfrogXTATeamFFAlostArm
2v2 Team on Coyote_CreekV42019-12-02 20:16snoobfrogXTATeamlostCore
2v3 Team on Coyote_CreekV42019-12-02 20:44snoobfrogXTATeamlostCore
1v1 Duel on Comet Catcher Redux2019-12-04 19:04snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1wonARM
1v1 Duel on Comet Catcher Redux2019-12-04 19:32snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1wonARM
2v2 Team on Techno Water v0.42020-02-15 14:38snoobfrogTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1v1 Duel on Comet Catcher Redux2020-02-18 14:21snoobfrogTech Annihilation1v1wonARM
2v2 Team on Techno Lands Final v3.12020-02-18 15:34snoobfrogTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
1v1 Duel on Dragons HQ v12020-02-19 18:37snoobfrogBalanced Annihilation1v1lostARM
2v2 Team on BarracudaBay2020-02-19 20:52snoobfrogMetal FactionsTeamwonRandom
1v1 Duel on SiberianDivide 1.12021-04-24 21:06snoobfrogMetal Factions1v1specspec
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.12021-12-05 14:00snoobfrogTech AnnihilationTeamwonGOK
1v1v1v1 FFA on blue_fields2023-10-31 23:32snoobfrogTech AnnihilationFFAspecspec
2v2 Team on Techno Lands Final 16.02023-11-01 18:09snoobfrogTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
Team on Techno Lands Final 16.02023-11-01 20:06snoobfrogTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
Showing 1 to 23 of 23 entries