1v1v1v1 Replay showing comm exploding bug in latest ZK
Size | 4.0 x 4.0 |
Wind | 0 - 0 |
Tidal | 0 |
Gravity | 10 |
Wind | 0 - 0 |
Tidal | 0 |
Gravity | 10 |
Date : 11/06/2013 18:08:17 (UTC)
Game: Zero-K (engine 91)
Map: duck
Length: 0:00:00
Tags: Tag object (9) Tag object (96) Tag object (142) Tag object (232)
Uploaded on 11/06/2013 18:44:39 (UTC)
Downloads: 15 Comments: 0
Uploaders comment: 3 out of 4 coms suddenly explode the moment they finish lvl 1 morph. Uses Spring 91.0.
Replay is incomplete or length of match less than 2 minutes. Not rated.
Team -1 | |||||
-1 Creutzfeldt[HUN] | Robots | None | [4] | ||
Team -1 | |||||
-1 Rafal[ZK] | Robots | None | [7] | ||
Team -1 | |||||
-1 Saandro | Robots | None | [4] | ||
Team -1 | |||||
-1 DrunkenMaster | Robots | None | [6] |
air_ploppable: 1
burrowspawnrate: 45
commandertypes: string to long, sorry
coop: 0
defeatmode: destroy
disablemapdamage: 0
enableunlocks: 1
factorycostmult: 1
graceperiod: 2.5
hilltime: 10
iwinbutton: 0
lavariseperiod: 120
maxspeed: 2
maxwind: 2.5
miniqueentime: 0.6
minwind: 0
noelo: 0
pathfinder: standard
queentime: 60
shuffle: off
speedchicken: 0
techtimemult: 1
typemapsetting: auto
wreckagemult: 1
zkmode: normal
burrowqueentime: 15
chickenspawnrate: 50
commends: 0
cratermult: 1
disablefeatures: 0
eggs: 0
energymult: 1
fixedallies: 0
gracetime: 2
impulsejump: 0
lavarisecycles: 7
marketandbounty: 0
maxunits: 1500
metalmult: 1
minspeed: 0.5
noceasefire: 0
overdrivesharingscheme: investmentreturn
playerchickens: 0
sharemode: teammates
specialdecloak: 0
startingresourcetype: facplop
terracostmult: 1
waterlevel: 0
xmas: 0
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