5v5 Team on DeltaSiegeDry

sat pic of DeltaSiegeDry
metal map of DeltaSiegeDry
height map of DeltaSiegeDry
Size 20 x 10
Wind 1 - 13
Tidal 20
Description DeltaSiegeDry * 4 - 10 Players * made by IceXuick(@dagdief.nl)
Gravity 120
Wind 1 - 13
Tidal 20
Description DeltaSiegeDry * 4 - 10 Players * made by IceXuick(@dagdief.nl)
Gravity 120

Date : 07/10/2016 07:29:13 (UTC)

Game: Balanced Annihilation 9.33 (engine 100)

Map: DeltaSiegeDry

Length: 0:28:30

Tags: Tag object (5) Tag object (45)

Uploaded by [ACE]Pirine on 07/10/2016 06:49:21 (UTC)

Downloads: 34 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: Autouploaded


Team 0 121.6  [19]
0 CORE  33.22  [3]
1 ARM  25  [0]
2 CORE  25  [6]
3 CORE  20.84  [6]
4 ARM  19.06  [4]
Team 1 122.9  [25]
5 ARM  32.24  [7]
6 CORE  25  [1]
7 CORE  25  [5]
8 ARM  20.06  [5]
9 ARM  20  [7]
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10.07.2016 06:59:21 (UTC) -- BelSon

This game is an example of how frustrating and unfair away votes are. Please remove immediately!

16.07.2016 17:31:57 (UTC) -- [ACE]FabriceFABS

Belson, thank you for this report. As bibim said, "autoSetVoteMode is a good thing, although it allows some griefers to stop games when none of the players are reading the console in game, because it speeds up vote process a lot and save a lot of time. And you just have to report griefers to autohost admin as you just did so at least they get banned from the autohost." A new "minVoteParticipation" setting exists now so that it is be possible to keep autoSetVoteMode enabled to speed up vote process, and still prevent votes from passing if too few players voted manually in comparison to the number of potential voters. It's now set from 34% to 50%. Regards.

critters: 1

disablemapdamage: 0

maxspeed: 3

minspeed: 0.3

mo_comgate: 0

mo_enemycomcount: 1

mo_heatmap: 1

mo_no_close_spawns: 1

mo_transportenemy: notcoms

shareddynamicalliancevictory: 0

startmetal: 1000

deathmode: com

fixedallies: 1

maxunits: 1789

mo_armageddontime: 65

mo_coop: 0

mo_ffa: 0

mo_newbie_placer: 0

mo_preventcombomb: 0

pathfinder: normal

startenergy: 1000