1v4 Team on DeltaSiegeDry

sat pic of DeltaSiegeDry
metal map of DeltaSiegeDry
height map of DeltaSiegeDry
Size 20 x 10
Wind 1 - 13
Tidal 20
Description DeltaSiegeDry * 4 - 10 Players * made by IceXuick(@dagdief.nl)
Gravity 120
Wind 1 - 13
Tidal 20
Description DeltaSiegeDry * 4 - 10 Players * made by IceXuick(@dagdief.nl)
Gravity 120

Date : 03/28/2013 21:28:50 (UTC)

Game: Robot Defense 2.20.0 (Tech Annihilation v2.20.2) (engine 94)

Map: DeltaSiegeDry

Length: 1:17:19

Tags: Tag object (35) Tag object (45) Tag object (51) Tag object (106) Tag object (151)

Uploaded by [ACE]Synchronisme on 03/28/2013 22:46:06 (UTC)

Downloads: 19 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


Sorry. The winner could not be figured out, the match was stopped or not rated because of the presence of a bot.

Team 0
3 ARM  [4]
0 ARM  [4]
2 ARM  [6]
1 CORE  [6]
Team 1
Bot (of [RLD]Hektor) ARM  [1]
Bot (of [RLD]Hektor) ARM  [1]
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deathmode: com

fixedallies: 0

maxspeed: 1

minspeed: 0.3

mo_chickenstart: alwaysbox

mo_coop: 0

mo_custom_burrowspawn: 120

mo_custom_damagemod: 150

mo_custom_lobberemp: 4

mo_custom_queenspawnmult: 1

mo_enemywrecks: 1

mo_greenfields: 0

mo_maxchicken: 400

mo_norobot: 0

mo_nowrecks: 1

mo_progmines: 0

mo_queendifficulty: h_chickenq

mo_storageowner: team

shareddynamicalliancevictory: 0

startmetal: 50000

disablemapdamage: 1

ghostedbuildings: 1

maxunits: 500

mo_allowfactionchange: 1

mo_comgate: 1

mo_custom_angerbonus: 20

mo_custom_chickenspawn: 90

mo_custom_expstep: 1.5

mo_custom_minchicken: 8

mo_custom_spawnchance: 33

mo_graceperiod: 1800

mo_heatmap: 0

mo_noowner: 0

mo_noshare: 1

mo_preventdraw: 0

mo_queenanger: 1

mo_queentime: 40

qtpfs: qtpfs

startenergy: 350000

teamdeathmode: allyzerounits