6v6 Team on The Cold Place Remake V2

sat pic of The Cold Place Remake V2
metal map of The Cold Place Remake V2
height map of The Cold Place Remake V2
Size 14.0 x 10.0
Wind 10 - 30
Tidal 20
Description Fighting on a flat tundra with very strong winds, Remake by NOiZE
Gravity 110
Wind 10 - 30
Tidal 20
Description Fighting on a flat tundra with very strong winds, Remake by NOiZE
Gravity 110

Date : 09/21/2012 22:09:34 (UTC)

Game: Balanced Annihilation 7.71 (engine 91)

Map: The Cold Place Remake V2

Length: 0:20:22

Tags: Tag object (6) Tag object (45)

Uploaded by PrincessHost on 09/21/2012 21:34:28 (UTC)

Downloads: 3 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


Team 0 148.5  [23]
0 CORE  25.75  [5]
3 CORE  30  [4]
7 CORE  25  [4]
8 CORE  16  [2]
10 ARM  25  [3]
11 ARM  25  [5]
Team 1 147.0  [30]
1 CORE  24.77  [6]
2 ARM  25  [5]
4 CORE  20  [5]
5 ARM  25  [5]
6 ARM  25  [4]
9 CORE  30.73  [5]
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deathmode: com

fixedallies: 0

limitdgun: 0

maxunits: 500

mo_allowfactionchange: 1

mo_combomb_full_damage: 0

mo_coop: 1

mo_greenfields: 0

mo_noshare: 1

mo_preventdraw: 0

mo_storageowner: team

shareddynamicalliancevictory: 0

startmetal: 1000

disablemapdamage: 0

ghostedbuildings: 1

maxspeed: 3

minspeed: 0.3

mo_armageddontime: 0

mo_comgate: 0

mo_enemywrecks: 1

mo_noowner: 0

mo_nowrecks: 0

mo_progmines: 0

mo_transportenemy: all

startenergy: 1000

teamdeathmode: allyzerounits