1v1 Duel on Hide_and_Seek_v03

sat pic of Hide_and_Seek_v03
metal map of Hide_and_Seek_v03
height map of Hide_and_Seek_v03
Size 14.0 x 14.0
Wind 5 - 20
Tidal 0
Description Map for 1v1 - 3v3. Starlocations are relativly close for a 14x14 map. Watch your back! your base is surrounded by hills, radars cant see what's behind them Textures made with carrara and Gimp. Features by Beherith and Lathan. Thanks to forboden angel and beherith for helping me with carrara and explaining the technical details. By FlorisXIV
Gravity 130
Wind 5 - 20
Tidal 0
Description Map for 1v1 - 3v3. Starlocations are relativly close for a 14x14 map. Watch your back! your base is surrounded by hills, radars cant see what's behind them Textures made with carrara and Gimp. Features by Beherith and Lathan. Thanks to forboden angel and beherith for helping me with carrara and explaining the technical details. By FlorisXIV
Gravity 130

Date : 12/19/2013 21:06:51 (UTC)

Game: Zero-K (engine 91)

Map: Hide_and_Seek_v03

Length: 0:19:58

Tags: Tag object (1) Tag object (30) Tag object (35)

Uploaded by Spadsie on 12/19/2013 21:26:51 (UTC)

Downloads: 12 Comments: 0

Uploaders comment: autouploaded


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air_ploppable: 1

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commandertypes: string to long, sorry

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queentime: 60

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zkmode: normal

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