Player Asfel

The following values are provided by SLDB, a service that autohosts use to calculate team balancing.

GameMatch typeTrueskill
Loading data from server
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
No data available in table


Destroying enemy resource production

1st: 0 times
2nd: 0 times
3rd: 1 times

Destroying enemy units and defences

1st: 0 times
2nd: 2 times
3rd: 1 times

Effective use of resources

1st: 1 times
2nd: 1 times
3rd: 2 times

Doing everything

0 times

Produced the most resources

0 times

Took the most damage

2 times

Slept longest

3 times
Rating history

Balanced Annihilation

Evolution RTS



TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
4v4 Team on TitanDuel2014-04-25 18:08AsfelEvolution RTSTeamspecspec
4v4 Team on TheRockFinal2014-04-25 18:38AsfelEvolution RTSTeamspecspec
1v1 Duel on Battle for PlanetXVII-v012014-04-25 18:46AsfelEvolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Battle for PlanetXVII-v012014-04-25 18:56AsfelEvolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
3v3 Team on TheRockFinal2014-04-25 19:01AsfelEvolution RTSTeamspecspec
1v1 Duel on Battle for PlanetXVII-v012014-04-25 19:15AsfelEvolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
3v3 Team on BlueBend-v012014-04-25 19:27AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
3v3 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2014-04-25 20:09AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Altored_Divide2014-04-25 20:40AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
3v3 Team on FolsomDamDeluxeV42014-04-25 21:31AsfelEvolution RTSTeamspecspec
2v3 Team on Grts_Messa_0082014-04-25 21:53AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Mercury_v12014-04-26 09:06AsfelEvolution RTS1v1specspec
2v2 Team on Mercury_v12014-04-26 09:44AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Mercury_v12014-04-26 09:57AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on TitanDuel2014-04-26 10:38AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on TitanDuel2014-04-26 10:42AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
4v4 Team on Nuclear_Winter_v12014-04-26 11:05AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
3v3 Team on SpeedMetalBig2014-04-26 11:18AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Trench_v22014-04-26 12:00AsfelEvolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Trench_v22014-04-26 12:17AsfelEvolution RTS1v1lostOuter_Colonies
1v1 Duel on Trench_v22014-04-26 12:26AsfelEvolution RTS1v1wonOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on T2GameCharlieintheHillsv2.12014-04-26 12:55AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
2v2 Team on Techno Lands2014-04-26 13:24AsfelEvolution RTSTeamlostOuter_Colonies
FFA on Karst2014-04-26 13:42AsfelEvolution RTSFFAspecspec
2v2 Team on Karst2014-04-26 13:54AsfelEvolution RTSTeamwonOuter_Colonies
Showing 1 to 25 of 83 entries