Player juraseg

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Balanced Annihilation1v125
Balanced AnnihilationFFA25
Balanced AnnihilationTeam20
Balanced AnnihilationTeamFFA20
Balanced AnnihilationGlobal20
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Balanced AnnihilationTeam14770 50 %
Balanced AnnihilationFFA2020 0 %
Balanced AnnihilationTeamFFA1010 0 %
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are juraseg.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
3v3 Team on Red Comet2012-08-03 16:14jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonARM
2v2 Team on hotstepper2012-08-03 16:34jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
3v3 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-08-03 16:56jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
3v3 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-08-03 17:15jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Dividing_Wall-V22012-08-03 17:17jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
3v3 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-08-03 17:52jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
2v2 Team on Comet Catcher Redux2012-08-03 18:21jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
FFA on Real Europe V42012-08-03 18:29jurasegBalanced AnnihilationFFAspecspec
FFA on Real Europe V42012-08-03 19:40jurasegBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostARM
FFA on Throne v12012-08-03 20:55jurasegBalanced AnnihilationFFAlostARM
3v3v3 TeamFFA on Throne v12012-08-03 21:56jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamFFAspecspec
TeamFFA on Throne v12012-08-03 22:40jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamFFAlostARM
TeamFFA on Mearth_v42012-08-04 19:53jurasegBalanced AnnihilationTeamFFAspecspec
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries