Player 9041

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Loading data from server
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Tech Annihilation1v11001 0 %
Tech AnnihilationTeam2281231050 54 %
Tech AnnihilationFFA1010 0 %


Destroying enemy resource production

1st: 12 times
2nd: 22 times
3rd: 12 times

Destroying enemy units and defences

1st: 11 times
2nd: 32 times
3rd: 30 times

Effective use of resources

1st: 10 times
2nd: 18 times
3rd: 17 times

Doing everything

2 times

Produced the most resources

25 times

Took the most damage

25 times

Slept longest

8 times
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are 9041.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-01 11:319041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-02 11:099041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-02 12:379041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
2v2 Team on blue_fields2021-11-03 11:069041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
2v3 Team on blue_fields2021-11-03 12:489041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-03 14:589041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-05 10:529041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-05 13:189041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-06 16:269041Tech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-06 17:039041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-06 18:219041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-07 12:079041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-07 12:569041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-07 13:389041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-07 14:249041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-08 11:029041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-08 12:089041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-08 15:169041Tech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
Team on Techno Lands Final 10.02021-11-09 10:569041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
4v4 Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-13 19:489041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-13 20:379041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-14 14:339041Tech AnnihilationTeamwonARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-14 15:569041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-14 19:419041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Team on Techno Lands Final 11.22022-05-14 21:149041Tech AnnihilationTeamlostARM
Showing 1 to 25 of 336 entries