Player noobcluster

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GameMatch typeTrueskill
Balanced Annihilation1v116
Balanced AnnihilationFFA20
Balanced AnnihilationTeam16
Balanced AnnihilationTeamFFA20
Balanced AnnihilationGlobal16
GameMatch typeTotalWinLossUndecidedRatio
Balanced AnnihilationTeam4130 25 %
Zero-K1v13112190 39 %
Zero-KTeam18889659230 51 %
Zero-KFFA203170 15 %
Zero-KTeamFFA122100 17 %
Rating history

The user has privacy protection enabled. The rating history can only be seen by her/himself. Login, if you are noobcluster.


TitleDatePlayernameGameMatch TypeResultFaction
5v5 Team on Emain Macha2012-11-03 08:56noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
2v2 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-03-08 13:17noobclusterTech AnnihilationTeamspecspec
3v3 Team on Tundra2013-03-08 13:39noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
4v4 Team on XantheTerra_v32013-03-09 08:00noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
3v4 Team on Red Comet2013-04-27 21:23noobclusterZero-KTeamlostRobots
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-22 13:13noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
8v8 Team on Koom Valley V22013-10-22 18:58noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-22 19:26noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
6v6 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-23 13:06noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
7v7 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-23 13:50noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamwonARM
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-23 14:17noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostARM
3v3 Team on Small Supreme Battlefield V22013-10-24 12:37noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamspecspec
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-10-24 13:25noobclusterBalanced AnnihilationTeamlostCORE
1v1v1v1 Replay showing comm exploding bug in latest ZK2013-11-06 18:08noobclusterZero-KFFAspecspec
10v10 ZK desync2013-11-21 20:29noobclusterZero-KTeamlostRobots
7v7 Team on Valles_Marineris_v22013-12-29 19:27noobclusterZero-KTeamwonRobots
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-12-29 19:57noobclusterZero-KTeamlostRobots
8v8 Team on DeltaSiegeDry2013-12-29 20:41noobclusterZero-KTeamwonRobots
9v9 Some other Zero-K replay2014-01-06 20:18noobclusterZero-KTeamspecspec
10v11 Some Zero-K replay2014-01-06 20:41noobclusterZero-KTeamwonRobots
8v8 Team on Aberdeen6v6_Fix2014-02-04 20:34noobclusterZero-KTeamspecspec
2v2 Team on Forgotten_Crossing_v12014-02-09 10:25noobclusterZero-KTeamspecspec
5v5 Team on Fields_Of_Isis2014-02-09 11:36noobclusterZero-KTeamwonRobots
4v4 Team on Red Comet2014-02-09 11:56noobclusterZero-KTeamspecspec
3v3 Team on Ravaged_v22014-02-11 14:35noobclusterZero-KTeamwonRobots
Showing 1 to 25 of 28 entries